Saturday, September 6, 2008

Don't Get Stuck

With our twins off to college, we find we starting to live differently in our home. This weekend, we've been talking about how the various rooms in our house function and how our lifestyle is changing. It's certainly different, and actually, it's okay!

We're thinking about moving the huge sectional sofa that's in the playroom upstairs down to our family room. That big flat screen television in the playroom might need to move downstairs, too. We're even talking about the possibility of moving the big TV into our kitchen. We have a large kitchen, with an enormous farmhouse style kitchen table, so we spend a lot of time in there. And my husband and I love to cook together, and we love watching the food channel.

It's so easy to get stuck with the way your house lives. Furniture can move, and the world won't end! When our children were tiny, we turned our sun room into a small playroom for them. When they got older, it went back to being a sun room. And when I started working out of my home, it became a beautiful office for me.

Don't get stuck. Try some new options!

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